Thursday, March 2, 2023

Blog Post #1

     When looking at one's individual news sources, there is a clear difference between sources that are more used for confirmation bias and sources that are used to broaden horizons. When it comes to the media I like to view, I would like to believe that I have some variety in my sources in order to make my own conclusions from the information given.

Source 1: New York Times

    The New York Times, known for being reputable and reliable, provides information on a wide variety of topics in which I can pick and choose what I want to explore. Historically known as taking a more liberal viewpoint on social and fiscal issues, the NY Times focuses on American news. 

Source 2: BBC News

    BBC News, though not an American news source, focuses on global news, providing a wide variety of topics and information. Often times, in American news sources, information provided is almost always revolving around the United States and rarely discusses other countries' politics unless it has a direct tie and impact within the United States. BBC tends to stay relatively neutral on global issues, which is useful in terms of finding information without much bias. 

Source 3: Impact

   Impact, an organization I follow for the most part on Instagram and other forms of social media, is a liberal leaning organization that exposes injustices on a global scale and provides clear sources, information, and visuals. Though social media can frequently be an unreliable source of information, Impact is a secondary source of media that provides the information gathered from other news sources, clearly cited at the end of each post. Though not necessarily the BEST source of news, I can easily corroborate Impact's information and find it to be an easy, accessible, and convenient source of news. 

Source 4: Fox News 

    Though not a source I use frequently, I use Fox News purely as a means to broaden my horizons and see issues from other perspectives. Even though I sometimes see Fox News to be significantly biased against certain topics, they still provide factual information that can be used in coming to my own conclusions about certain topics. 

Source 5: Associated Press News 

Associated Press News: Breaking News | Latest News Today

    Associated Press News (AP News), a source I found in my senior year of high school in my journalism class, is found to be a reputable source that produces information about countries all around the world. Its articles tend to be concise and straight to the point which is useful when attempting to quickly look at news in a short amount of time. 

    Overall, though I feel confident in the news sources that I use to get my information, I am completely open to finding new and even better sources of information for my continued growth. Simply staying with a single news source and not venturing to find information from different perspectives will not lead to further cognitive development and knowledge whatsoever, which is what news sources are truly about. 

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Blog Post #11

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