Saturday, April 29, 2023

Blog Post #10

     While watching the film "The Age of AI," I was able to gather more detailed information on artificial intelligence that I did not previous know. The documentary series, exploring the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and how it is revolutionizing the world we live in today, is produced by youtube and hosted by Robert Downey Jr. This, in itself, is irony at its finest. 

Iron Man' is fiction, but tech behind him is not    One of Downey Jr's most famous roles, Iron Man, otherwise known as Tony Stark, is known for using advanced artificial intelligence to assist with his new inventions, products, and ideas. His AI assistant, known as JARVIS, is his robot partner in crime that assists him in his endeavors and ultimately plays a huge role in the success of Iron Man. Within the context of "The Age of AI," this combination of artificial intelligence education with a host who is so affiliated with artificial intelligence is enrapturing for the audience.

     Within the portion watched in class, the impact artificial intelligence has on the workplace is presented. As it becomes more prevalent in industries such as finance, manufacturing, and transportation, it is examines the potential impacts. artificial intelligence has on jobs in the economy. While with technology, it has always been established that it would cost America some jobs as it makes life more convenient. However, with artificial intelligence, the use for humans to have jobs of use could possibly go extinct.

Unlocking HR's Potential: How Chat GPT Can Help HR | AllVoices    Whether taking over data analytics or creating multimedia productions, the use of artificial intelligence on so many different platforms leads to the question of the ethics of its use and to what extent. Though debated by electronic users everywhere on what extent artificial intelligence should have, the release of Chat GPT, the most advanced artificial intelligence technology thus far, has raised significant controversy. Not only does it give students easy avenues for cheating and not learning materials given to them themselves, it also is able to replicate people's voices and faces, leading to some dangerous outcomes such as identity theft, fraud, and privacy issues. 

Artificial Intelligence - Future of Life Institute    Italy already banned AI and Chat GPT recently as the dangers it can create already went into effect shortly after its release. When it comes to America, officials are not sure what step will be taken next, whether that is restricting the use of Chat GPT or banning it entirely. Regardless, it cannot be debated that artificial intelligence can be used for much good yet also create much danger; it is yet to be seen whether or not this new resource will better or worsen the world. 

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Blog Post #11

      When listening to the other EOTO presentations, something that stood out to me was the " social credit score ," a method tha...