Monday, May 1, 2023

Blog Post #12: FINAL BLOG POST


  There is no doubt that we live in a world enriched and reliant upon technology. Whether this is ultimately negatively or positively impacting the world, technology is continually being integrated into every part of life on earth regardless. The consequences of technology are prevalent as hard as we try to remove them. At the end of the day, everyone has their own views and relationships with technology, and it is only individuals that can truly draw conclusions on what is best for them and the lives they want to live. The future of home care technology

    Throughout the timeline of technology's growth and development, the world has seen the negative and positive effects of it in society. In my own life, my experience is not much different, yet it is through regulation and mindfulness that humans can find balance and solstice in a world dominated by technology. 

Technology Over Time

    Technology has adapted to the needs of humans over the course of time: it has grown quickly, becoming more advanced seemingly by the second as of modern day. Starting out as the telegraph, radio, or telephone, technology became a method of convenience and communication. As it became more successful, it became a more innate part of society. Why would some get news from a newspaper when they can listen to the radio in their home? Why go through the trouble of writing a letter when you can send a telegraph that is a quicker method to get one's message across?How Communication Technologies Evolved Over Time - CyberSanchar

    As technology continued to develop, it went from a convenience to a necessity. When everyone was relying on a certain technology, it did not make logical sense for someone to revert back to outdated ways of doing things. It became less convenient to use a resource that no one else used and easier to follow the crowd. This is also when technology wavered from just being a convenience; it also became entertainment. This could be seen arguably as the beginning of technology's "negative impacts."

Technology's Shift from Use-Based to Entertainment Oriented

    Technology has been continually created not only for entertainment, but for combining that aspect with some of the useful tools it provides in order make more money. This has led to a plethora for new inventions being made to combine these together. A perfect example of this would be social media. Fantastic for staying in touch with old friends or relatives, yet entertaining in its images, videos, and endless supply of media to read and watch. 

    Not only a distraction to social media's original use, it cultivates impossible beauty standards, comparison, and low confidence. Social media has been quickly overrun with those going to impossible lengths to receive affirmation for their ability to entertain and please other people. 

Media & Entertainment | Technology Software Inc.    With everything technology provides, it also provides an endless stream of negativity regardless of what its intended use is. Apps, games, and websites which desire users' attention in order to make money are smart in the ways they distract people. In today's day and age, no one can get anything done quickly and effectively, which most of which is on an electronic device, without getting a notification, advertisement, or some sort of targeted distraction.

    Some may wonder, at what point will technology really be convenient again? When it comes to the endless amount of information, media, and activities it provides, technology is becoming less and less effective for its original purpose: making life easier. 

What Technology Looks Like in My Life

    In my life, I am no stranger to the dangerous distractions that are constantly appearing on the majority of the websites I use to study and do work, such as Quizlet, Google Drive, and Google. I have been able to establish personal boundaries within myself in order to create space between myself and other distractions. Of course, putting on "do not disturb" on my computer or phone does not take away all distraction, but it does assist when it comes to getting work done. 

What strategic purpose does each social media platform have? | Arrival    When it comes to my relationship with social media, growing up, I was quite sheltered to most of it. My parents knew it was toxic for growing girls who are still just trying to get comfortable with themselves as is. Now, I manage what comes onto my feed when using social media apps by hitting "not interested" on toxic posts and streams of information that threaten my headspace. That way, the algorithms recognize my distaste and put forth more content that I prefer and is better suited for my mental health. Even with being careful in regulating what I see on social media, the time I spend on it still needs to be limited. I put screen time limits on my social media daily, so I can be aware of how much of my day I am dedicated to scrolling.


    Without a doubt, social media and technology have a plethora of pros and cons; though intended for good, it can be argued that technology has done humans a world of hurt. Regardless of what negative impacts it seems to have however, it seems that technology is here to stay. Though I do not plan on reverting back to writing letters and buying paper newspapers, I will continue to implement boundaries upon technology in my personal life. Like most things in life, technology is a privilege. Not only is it a privilege to afford technology and to be in a financial place to pay for its upkeep and updates, but it also is a privilege to be able to be in a good health both physically and mentally to use it regularly in my everyday life. 

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media Manager

    With that being said, it is essential to be mindful when it comes to one's online presence and usage amounts. The smarter and more advanced technology gets, the harder it is to hide one's online history, media presence, and screen time. 
Being aware of this and who I am presenting myself as online is more important than ever in today's society. As I am in this new season of adulthood, I am hoping to continue to grow in my knowledge and abilities concerning technology. It is my hope, that with mindfulness and strategy, technology
 can be a force for good in my own life. 

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