Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Blog Post #2

    In the videos attached, the prevalence of a lack of privacy in today’s media is discussed. Through data mining used in all social media through user-generated content, tracking malware, and deep packet inspection, people are losing their privacy.

What is Data Mining? | TIBCO Software

By using contracts of adhesion, media companies are getting users to agree to lose much of their privacy to download the app without being cognizant of the fact. This affects me on a personal level as it does for all who use social media. Things as simple as liking a certain post or hesitating even by accident on different content can lead to further investigation unbeknownst to the user.

    This information, though stored by private companies, can be sold to the government in order to cherry pick evidence for conviction of a crime. Though technology is becoming more and more intelligent by the day, AI can still make faulty predictions and assumptions upon a person in real life that can allow for disastrous consequences for that individual.

    The government should be protecting Americans from these big media conglomerates that are taking advantage of users' ignorance for their own gain. Instead, the government encourages intrusive data mining by buying the information, leading to false convictions on account of assumptions about safety concerns.

    Justifiable probable cause needs to be established for an individual before invading any privacy, and even then solid evidence needs to be prevalent before accusing someone of a crime. Our justice system is built on a foundation of “innocent until proven guilty.”

Innocent Until Proven Guilty - Fresno Criminal Lawyer

    However, when it comes to buying massive bulks of information to cast suspicion on innocent civilians, the government toes the line in breaking Americans’ fifth amendment right. As a result of this, laws need to be put in place that further restrict government involvement in buying private company’s data mining and allow there to be boundaries upon invasive data mining. 

    Overall, the implications of censorship and data mining for our society are significant. Censorship can limit freedom of expression, innovation, and access to information, which is our right as Americans. This can also impact America's growth in innovation and economic development. Data mining also raises concerns with privacy and security, along with the potential misuse of personal information. It is vital that internet users be cautious of their actions due to the fact that they can have implications that are less than desirable.

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