Friday, April 21, 2023

Blog #8

    When looking at artificial intelligence (AI), it can be seen that this, though not a brand new invention, has risen to popularity and has been all over the news as of late. Specifically, AI in the form of the now notorious "Chat GPT." When looking at Chat GPT through the lens of the Diffusion Theory, it is in the late stages of "early adopters" and making its way to an "early majority" influence on our society today. 
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
    Known as an ultra advanced intelligence chat box where specific, curated, and accurate responses are sent immediately to whatever query sent to it by its user. Chat GPT, being the most advanced chat box and virtual assistant ever to be seen, is both revered and feared for its capabilities. 

    The curiosity and paranoia surrounding this new application is what has allowed it to spread both in the media and in users. It is able to be more efficient than Google, giving direct, accurate answers to questions without having to scroll through a plethora of links to find what one is looking for. However, this is not its only use. It can write essays, draw up or mimic faces or voices, and formulate detailed analyses using data. 

    Uncle Ben from Spider Man, says, "with great power comes great responsibility," and that could not ring more true. Artificial intelligence, especially Chat GPT, can be a great resource, especially if it can be continually accessible to all with an electronic device for free. However, it can foster controversy, plagiarism, and confusion with its accurate mimics. 
Unlocking HR's Potential: How Chat GPT Can Help HR | AllVoices
    The integration of Chat GPT into our society, workplaces, and culture will ultimately be catastrophic. Countries already are banning it, such as Italy, and for good reason. Chat GPT will upset the balance that we as humans have in life. With the involvement of Chat GPT in Americans' lives, we blur the line of ethical vs. nonethical even further. 

    At the end of the day, Chat GPT is a weapon of the most modern extreme. If not regulated, it can be used to bring upon further destruction to the world as we know it. However, with careful deliberation, thoughtful reflection, and meaningful restrictions, Chat GPT can be an asset to our society. 

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Blog Post #11

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