Saturday, April 29, 2023

Blog Post #10

     While watching the film "The Age of AI," I was able to gather more detailed information on artificial intelligence that I did not previous know. The documentary series, exploring the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and how it is revolutionizing the world we live in today, is produced by youtube and hosted by Robert Downey Jr. This, in itself, is irony at its finest. 

Iron Man' is fiction, but tech behind him is not    One of Downey Jr's most famous roles, Iron Man, otherwise known as Tony Stark, is known for using advanced artificial intelligence to assist with his new inventions, products, and ideas. His AI assistant, known as JARVIS, is his robot partner in crime that assists him in his endeavors and ultimately plays a huge role in the success of Iron Man. Within the context of "The Age of AI," this combination of artificial intelligence education with a host who is so affiliated with artificial intelligence is enrapturing for the audience.

     Within the portion watched in class, the impact artificial intelligence has on the workplace is presented. As it becomes more prevalent in industries such as finance, manufacturing, and transportation, it is examines the potential impacts. artificial intelligence has on jobs in the economy. While with technology, it has always been established that it would cost America some jobs as it makes life more convenient. However, with artificial intelligence, the use for humans to have jobs of use could possibly go extinct.

Unlocking HR's Potential: How Chat GPT Can Help HR | AllVoices    Whether taking over data analytics or creating multimedia productions, the use of artificial intelligence on so many different platforms leads to the question of the ethics of its use and to what extent. Though debated by electronic users everywhere on what extent artificial intelligence should have, the release of Chat GPT, the most advanced artificial intelligence technology thus far, has raised significant controversy. Not only does it give students easy avenues for cheating and not learning materials given to them themselves, it also is able to replicate people's voices and faces, leading to some dangerous outcomes such as identity theft, fraud, and privacy issues. 

Artificial Intelligence - Future of Life Institute    Italy already banned AI and Chat GPT recently as the dangers it can create already went into effect shortly after its release. When it comes to America, officials are not sure what step will be taken next, whether that is restricting the use of Chat GPT or banning it entirely. Regardless, it cannot be debated that artificial intelligence can be used for much good yet also create much danger; it is yet to be seen whether or not this new resource will better or worsen the world. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Blog #9

    "Confirmation Bias:" a hot topic word heard often, but often not defined adequately. When looking at the way confirmation bias is discussed in the media, it is often described as "impartial," "invalid," and "unnecessary." Though this can sometimes be used to describe the term, it does not truly encompass the entire theory. Ironically, the word confirmation bias in the media is often surrounded in defensiveness and pointing fingers at others on the big bad "other side" for having it. However, this reaction in itself is exactly what confirmation bias really is. 

    When looking at what the exact definition of confirmation bias is, the Oxford Dictionary describes it as "the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's own existing beliefs or theories." This can also be described as "cherry picking." Picking and choosing which evidence to remember and acknowledge to support your ideas both formally and simply in one's head. Most of the time, this will happen unconsciously, for the most part, because the brain naturally will do this in order to support a thought process and avoid restarting a new one. It is, in lay terms, a cognitive shortcut.

    Whatever one's belief may be, cognizant or not, it is with confirmation bias that a person will mentally or physically support their claim. In the example I used in the beginning, accusing the "big bad other side" for having confirmation bias, it would indeed be ironic due to the fact that one who already thinks that "the other side" is bad is confirmation bias in itself. The alleged "good side" would take any example of something "bad" as confirmation bias and apply it directly to the "bad side"; therefore the majority of their evidence would support their claim that the other side is bad. 

Confirmation Bias - The Decision Lab    Confirmation bias is seen everywhere, but a good place to start if actively seeking out real world examples of it would be in politics. It can rarely be debated that both political parties in our two party system are not notorious for throwing opposing viewpoints under the bus and picking specific evidence and completely ignoring other pieces in order to support their claims or opinions. 

    Not only does confirmation bias block the original thinker, but additionally, whomever is on the potential receiving end of hearing their claims and information. This is how false or non-encompassing news, echo chambers, censorship issues, black and white thinking, prejudice, and a lack of education on important topics germinate. Having an incredibly malevolent impact, it is important to find information from a variety of sources. 

    What is important to note is that all human beings have inherent biases, leading to all humans having the experience of confirmation bias in their life. The person in the example above has confirmation as does the "other side," the opposing viewpoint of whatever he or she believes. Because this is a universal experience. Like it or not, we have all used confirmation bias at one point or another, most often, without even noticing. 

    Though confirmation bias is inherently harmful, it is important to accept the fact that we as humans have all done it and fallen victim to it. Not only noting it in others, but also taking personal responsibility for times confirmation bias got te best of us is an important part of becoming more aware. Respectfully spreading awareness of confirmation bias and becoming educated on what it entails and how to combat it are the first steps to allowing your community to become as impartial as possible in whatever mental or physical data collection is occurring. 
Confirmation Bias Stock Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  Dreamstime

    Though COVID-19 may be less prevalent in 2023, confirmation bias continues to be an epidemic. With social media more active than ever, viewers must take every piece of data they come across with a grain of salt. Formulating opinions must involve attaining information from all viewpoints in order to truly be informed on what one is believing. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Blog #8

    When looking at artificial intelligence (AI), it can be seen that this, though not a brand new invention, has risen to popularity and has been all over the news as of late. Specifically, AI in the form of the now notorious "Chat GPT." When looking at Chat GPT through the lens of the Diffusion Theory, it is in the late stages of "early adopters" and making its way to an "early majority" influence on our society today. 
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
    Known as an ultra advanced intelligence chat box where specific, curated, and accurate responses are sent immediately to whatever query sent to it by its user. Chat GPT, being the most advanced chat box and virtual assistant ever to be seen, is both revered and feared for its capabilities. 

    The curiosity and paranoia surrounding this new application is what has allowed it to spread both in the media and in users. It is able to be more efficient than Google, giving direct, accurate answers to questions without having to scroll through a plethora of links to find what one is looking for. However, this is not its only use. It can write essays, draw up or mimic faces or voices, and formulate detailed analyses using data. 

    Uncle Ben from Spider Man, says, "with great power comes great responsibility," and that could not ring more true. Artificial intelligence, especially Chat GPT, can be a great resource, especially if it can be continually accessible to all with an electronic device for free. However, it can foster controversy, plagiarism, and confusion with its accurate mimics. 
Unlocking HR's Potential: How Chat GPT Can Help HR | AllVoices
    The integration of Chat GPT into our society, workplaces, and culture will ultimately be catastrophic. Countries already are banning it, such as Italy, and for good reason. Chat GPT will upset the balance that we as humans have in life. With the involvement of Chat GPT in Americans' lives, we blur the line of ethical vs. nonethical even further. 

    At the end of the day, Chat GPT is a weapon of the most modern extreme. If not regulated, it can be used to bring upon further destruction to the world as we know it. However, with careful deliberation, thoughtful reflection, and meaningful restrictions, Chat GPT can be an asset to our society. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Blog #7

     When listening to the different presentations presented during Week Five, a certain presentation stood out to me due to the information presented. This information, which was frankly, shocking, changed my perception of what language can look like. 

The presenter, who explained how emojis are slowly becoming a new language entirely,  stated its history, along with its progression to modern day. This information, which upon first glance did not seem appealing to me, slowly captured my interest as I realized what this could look like for language in the future. 

Sending Smiley Emojis? They Now Mean Different Things to Different People -  WSJ        An example the presenter used to show how emojis are being pushed into being an entirely new language was a book, written like a comic book with emojis being exclusively used for all the captions. This first book, titled, "Emoji Dick," was a direct emoji translation of the classic narrative by Herman Melville "Moby Dick." 

    The first of its kind, "Emoji Dick" paved the way for a new method of communication and literature, if it can even be called that. Though personally, I do not believe emojis will ever take over as an independent language. Because the symbols can be interpreted so many ways, the language would never be specific enough to be interpreted accurately unless set definitions were made. Even with that, there are not enough emojis and so many different kinds of emojis based on different types of technologies that it would not be a cohesive language. 

    Regardless, I think it still can be appreciated. Especially for young kids just starting to learn how to read, the symbols, which are recognizable for even young children, can be potentially used as a learning tool to transition to reading real words
Will emoji become a new language? - BBC Future

    It is without a doubt that the use of emojis in books and written works are becoming increasingly popular. Though never going to be valid in the world of real, certified languages and information, I think it still is ultimately a fun way to communicate casually. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blog Post #6

     The voice of dissent, against popular opinion of the public and government is a voice often not mainstreamed in the media or politics. Voices of dissent being inaccessible or almost completely muted has been a prevalent issue throughout the United States' history. 

    Specifically, antiwar voices and groups were majorly censored in the face of the first world war, possibly due to being seen as a threat to nationalism and unity. The First Amendment, promising freedom of speech unless said speech consists of true threats, incitement, and libel, is infringed upon with this censorship. When the Censor Comes - Freedom to Read

    In fact, four cases arguing this went to the Supreme Court in 1919, known as the Quartet of Cases. Consisting of Schenck, Debs, Frohwerk, and Abrams, these four cases all fought censorship being placed upon their antiwar ideas and socialist or communist leanings. Within these cases, they had Holmes' clear and present danger tests performed along with using the definitions of the first amendment and incitement to support their claim that the censorship of their opinions was unconstitutional.

    Though this occurred in 1919 and would thought to be firmly in the past, this is still happening today. History continues to repeat itself with the looming possibility of a war with Russia over the Russia/Ukraine conflict. 

    In my personal experience as a consumer of a variety of news sources on a regular basis, I have yet to come across any information not supporting getting involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. However, when looking at The American Conservative or Antiwar news sites, antiwar voices are suddenly much more prevalent. 

TheSocialTalks - How Would an Absolute First Amendment Benefit Modern  Society?    Though it is obvious that all news sources will have inherent bias that will lead to some opinions being displayed more than others, the complete and utter lack of any mention of antiwar ideas is shocking. Reading antiwar articles for the first time since the war in Ukraine started on February 24, 2022, over a year ago, other beliefs in regards to the United State's responsibility or lack thereof on the side lines emerge. 

    With the recent issues of censorship for those with antiwar voices, it can be seen that the fight for protecting Americans' first amendment rights are clearly not over. Having to put in extra effort to seek out obscure websites in order to hear opposing views from the mainstream is alarming and should pose questioning of how diverse our sources of information really are. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Blog Post #5

     When researching for the Each One Teach One Project (EOTO) as the individual responsible for the history of the television. Though multiple inventors across the world were in competition for producing an adequate demonstration of the first successful television, Philo Taylor Farnsworth was first to the chase on September 7, 1927. 

    The main inventor he beat, Boris Rosing from Russia, had conducted some original experiments before Farnsworth's invention came out, but ultimately did not finish the final product of the first television before Farnsworth. This took place in San Fransciso when Farnsworth was only 21. 

Who Invented the Television? - History    Its purpose, to simply create moving images on a screen by using radio waves, could be applied in a plethora of way to better other industries such as marketing, communications and academics. This was extremely attractive to investors who wanted to capitalize on this new technology. 

    RCA, the company that dominated the radio industry in the United States at the time, invested $50 million dollars in the invention of the television to further develop it with its two owned channels being on the forefront of television usage. Those two channels, known then and still today as ABC and NBC, were the first two channels ever invented. 

    On May 17, 1939, the first televised baseball game was broadcasted through RCA to the few thousand TV owners at the time. CBS, RCA's channels' main competitor, also developed at this time and started broadcasting two fifteen-minute news reels per day on its channel, based in New York City. 

    The television also opened doors for new industries. Advertising and sales took on an entirely new approach with the increasing prominence of the television. Now having the opportunity to produce visuals along with sound digitally, companies could combine these aspects together to provide an ad more integral to their brand. 

    In addition, politicians and government officials could use the medium of the television to their advantage to spread their messages and build their campaign to different population groups based on which participated in watching which channels. However, this did not really begin until the 1980s when there was more establish familiarity in the advertising and marketing industries and more Americans owned televisions as to reach the largest population.

    In television's early emergence in society, only a couple thousand homes owned one due to their lack of prevalence, large expenses, and shortage of marketing. However, less than fifty years later, 98% of American homes owned at least one television. 

    This massive increase in sales and usage of the television  in the late 1990s speaks volumes to the impact the invention of the television had on communications. Not only a source of entertainment for its users, but also a modern method of communication that could send information to the masses in different populations. 

    The invention of the television ultimately changed the world in its impacts on communication and its ability to make information more readily accessible. Once spread across the US, other countries began to develop their access to the television across their communities and cultures, which ultimately created international communication opportunities through the television. 

History of the Television – Longlasting Education Academy    Though there will always be some negative effects to most technological inventions, the television has less than others. Some downsides, which include screen addictions and the spread of false media, are established. This emerges with the television and smartphone, which followed later on, because it is an application that does not have user limits and allows for creators to have more available platform. Television - Wikipedia

    Having creators on any platform can easily lead to more biased information being spread and more negatively centered intentions being put upon the media. Though the television did open the world up to this emerging technology that had some negatives, the invention of the television ultimately had a positive effect on the world.

    Opening doors for technology innovations down the line and revolutionizing communications and marketing, the television truly is a product that transformed the way people lived and learned about the world around them. Without the invention of the television and the ground breaking ability to transfer moving images onto screens, we would not have most of the technology that we use today. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Blog #4

     The Eight Values of Expression, a list of the eight main theories that explain why freedom of speech is so valuable to Americans, truly is the hallmark of the United State's free speech guidelines in order to promote free expression for all. However, the Eight Values of Expression are not being implemented as they should be. 

    Take the Twitter Files, for example. Matt Taibbi, an investigative journalist investigating Twitter,  discovers that files of information on users are being divulged and sold to the government. This has led to people being watched, framed, or censored by the government on account "reasonable suspicion." 

    Though the majority of this group are completely innocent, their prosecution by the United States government, sometimes unbeknownst to them entirely, is border-lining an infringement on multiple rights, including their first amendment right. However, when it comes to Twitter's involvement in selling users' data, they technically are legally allowed to due to their contracts of adhesion that they have users sign before making an account on the app. 

    A sneaky, yet legal way to entrap customers into giving up all of their censorship and content ownership without really knowing they are consenting to this is a phonemenon discussed in the censorship and journalism community; is it really legal if people do not know they are agreeing to something? Yet, at the same time, it is their responsibility to read "terms and conditions" before consenting. 

    When it comes to Twitter, the company is technically is not doing anything illegal. However. selling these files on their users to the government makes things more complex. 

    Because the state action doctrine states that "without government involvement, no constitutional claim can be made because only the government can violate your constitutional rights," allowing the first amendment to not reach private actors, it can be said that the government is interfering with the private actor (Twitter).

 It all comes down to Twitter's ability to consent or not to consent when the government asks for files or even censorship of certain individuals on Twitter's platform. Can Twitter say no and still be  successful and not face consequences from the federal government? 

    When applying the Eight Values of Expression to this dilemma, whether or not Twitter has the ability to decline the government's requests, especially when it comes to user censorship, that is truly the most important fact of the matter. If Twitter is censoring on account of their own company, as a private actor, this is acceptable. However, if it is done on behalf of the government, it infringes on the eighth value in the Eight Values. 

    Labelled as "Protect Dissent," it states that "our system is not supposed to be one of mob rule. The First Amendment protects minority views, no matter how unpopular and a right to disagree and criticize the government." If the government is directly or indirectly pushing Twitter to censor individuals, they are directly violating the first amendment and the Eight Values of Expression. 

    This is what Matt Taibbi voices when writing about the Twitter files. Though his articles circulated quickly resulting in public outcry, Taibbi wasn't necessarily protected in his speech. On the day he was testifying before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on his research, IRS agents visited his home on account of concerns of identity fraud and suspicious tax returns. 

    Though this poses a possibility of being a coincidence or mistake, as Taibbi was innocent in his taxes as they were correctly done, the suspicious a-Journalist Matt Taibbi.ctions of the IRS that happens to occur when he is reporting about the government's involvement in the Twitter files is truly peculiar. Though no solidified answer has been found on account of direct government involvement in Twitter's censorship and prosecution of various individuals on account of reasonable suspicion, it is obvious that there are ties between the government and censorship issues that must be looked into in order to protect Americans' first amendment rights. 

Blog Post #11

      When listening to the other EOTO presentations, something that stood out to me was the " social credit score ," a method tha...